M arkaasay nimankii la magacaabay soo kaceen, oo waxay qabteen maxaabiistii, oo kuwii dhexdooda ku jiray oo qaawanaana dhar bay uga xidheen boolidii, wax bay huwiyeen, oo kabana way u geliyeen, oo waxay siiyeen wax ay cunaan iyo wax ay cabbaanba, wayna u subkeen, oo kuwii itaalka yaraa oo dhanna dameeray ku qaadeen, markaasay Yerixoo oo ahayd magaaladii geedatimireedka lahayd walaalahood ugu geeyeen, dabadeedna Samaariya ayay ku noqdeen.
Then the men who were chosen by name came and took the people of Judah. And they gave clothing to all of them who had none, using the clothes found among the things taken from Judah. They gave them clothes and shoes, and food and drink, and poured oil on them. They led all their weak ones on donkeys, and brought them to their brothers at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.
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