2 Cronici 34:4 ~ 2 Chronicles 34:4


A u dărîmat înaintea lui altarele Baalilor, şi au tăiat stîlpii închinaţi soarelui, cari erau deasupra lor; a sfărîmat idolii Astarteei, chipurile cioplite şi chipurile turnate, le -a făcut praf, a presărat praful pe mormintele celor ce le aduseseră jertfe,

And they break down before him the altars of the Baalim, and the images that on high above them he hath cut down, and the shrines, and the graven images, and the molten images, he hath broken and beaten small, and streweth on the surface of the graves of those sacrificing to them,

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