Ieremia 5:22 ~ Jeremiah 5:22


Nu vă e frică de Mine? zice Domnul. Nu tremuraţi înaintea Mea? Eu am pus nisipul ca hotar al mării, hotar veşnic pe care nu trebuie să-l treacă. Chiar dacă valurile ei se agită, ele nu pot răzbi şi chiar dacă urlă, ele nu-l pot trece.’»

Do you not fear and reverence Me? says the Lord. Do you not tremble before Me? I placed the sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier beyond which it cannot pass and by an everlasting ordinance beyond which it cannot go? And though the waves of the sea toss and shake themselves, yet they cannot prevail; though roar, yet they cannot pass over that.

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