2 Regi 11:14 ~ 2 Kings 11:14


S -a uitat şi iată că regele stătea lângă stâlp, aşa cum era obiceiul. Căpeteniile şi trâmbiţaşii erau lângă rege şi tot poporul ţării se bucura şi suna din trâmbiţe. Atunci Atalia şi-a sfâşiat hainele şi a strigat: „Trădare! Trădare!“

She looked and saw the king standing by the pillar, as was done in those days. The captains and those who blew horns were standing beside the king. And all the people of the land were filled with joy and blew horns. Athaliah tore her clothes and cried, “They are turning against the queen!”

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