1 Regi 19:10 ~ 1 Kings 19:10


Am fost plin de râvnă pentru Domnul, Dumnezeul Oştirilor, a răspuns el, fiindcă israeliţii au încălcat legământul Tău, Ţi-au dărâmat altarele şi Ţi-au omorât profeţii cu sabia. Numai eu singur am mai rămas, iar ei încearcă să-mi ia şi mie viaţa.

Elijah said, “I have been very careful to serve the Lord, the God of All. For the people of Israel have turned away from Your agreement. They have torn down Your altars and have killed with the sword the men who speak for You. Only I am left, and they want to kill me.” God Speaks to Elijah

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