I n Issachar and in Asher, Manasseh had Beth-shean and its towns, Ibleam and its towns, the people of Dor and its towns, the people of En-dor and its towns, the people of Taanach and its towns, and the people of Megiddo and its towns. The third city is Napheth.
Përveç kësaj, në territorin e Isakarit dhe në atë të Asherit Manasi zotëronte: Beth-Shean me fshatrat e tij, Ibleam me fshatrat e tij, banorët e Dorit me fshatrat e tij, banorët e En-Dorit me fshatrat e tij, banorët e Tanaakut me fshatrat e tij, banorët e Megidos me fshatrat e tij, tri krahina kodrinore.
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