Philippians 2:15 ~ ﻓﻴﻠﻴﺒﻲ 2:15


I n that way, you can prove yourselves to be without blame. You are God’s children and no one can talk against you, even in a sin-loving and sin-sick world. You are to shine as lights among the sinful people of this world.

فَبِهَذا تَظهَرُونَ أبرِياءَ وَأنقِياءَ، وَتَكُونُونَ أبناءً للهِ بِلا عَيبٍ فِي وَسَطِ جِيلٍ مُلتَوٍ وَمُنحَرِفٍ، فَتُضيئُونَ بَينَهُمْ كَنُجُومٍ فِي عالَمٍ مُظلِمٍ.

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