Deuteronomy 14:29 ~ Sharciga Kunoqoshadiisa 14:29


A nd the Levite who has no share of what is given to you, and the stranger, and the child without parents, and the woman whose husband has died, who are in your towns, may come and eat and be filled. Then the Lord your God will bring good to you in all the work done by your hands.

Oo markaas waxaa iman oo ka cuni oo ka dhergi doona kan reer Laawi, waayo, isagu idinlama laha qayb iyo dhaxal toona, iyo qariibka, iyo agoonta, iyo carmalka inuu Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ahu kugu barakeeyo shuqulka aad gacantaada ku qabato oo dhan.

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