I gave My Words and My Laws to your fathers through My servants who spoke for Me. But they would not listen and so they were punished. Then they were sorry for their sins and said, ‘The Lord of All has punished us for our ways and our works, as He said He would.’”’” Zechariah Sees Horses during the Night
Laakiinse erayadaydii iyo qaynuunnadaydii aan nebiyadii addoommadayda ahaa ku soo amray, sow ma gaadhin awowayaashiin? Oo iyana intay soo noqdeen ayay yidhaahdeen, Rabbiga ciidammadu siduu ku fikiray inuu nagu sameeyo, siday jidadkayagu ahaayeen, iyo siday falimahayagu ahaayeen ayuu nagu sameeyey. Ninkii Dhex Istaagay Geedaha Hadaaska
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