Daniel 2:45 ~ Daanyeel 2:45


Y ou saw how a stone was cut out of the mountain by no human hands, and how it crushed the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold. The great God has shown the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true. And I have given you its true meaning.” Daniel Becomes Ruler of Babylon

Waayo, waxaad aragtay dhagax buurta laga soo gooyay oo aan gacmo lagu gooyn, oo kala jejebiyey birtii, iyo naxaastii, iyo dhoobadii, iyo lacagtii, iyo dahabkii; Ilaaha weynu wuxuu, boqorow, ku ogeysiiyey waxa dhici doona hadda dabadeed, riyaduna waa dhab, fasirkeeduna waa wax la hubo.

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