Ezekiel 32:25 ~ Yexesqeel 32:25


A bed is made for her among the dead with all her people. Their graves are around her. They are all sinful people, killed by the sword. They spread fear in the land of the living, and were put to shame with those who go down to the place of the dead and are among the dead.

Sariir baa kuwa la laayay dhexdooda loo diyaariyey isaga iyo dadkiisa badanba. Qabuurihiisii isagay ku wareegsan yihiin, oo kulligood iyagoo buuryaqabyo ah ayay seef ku le'deen, waayo, cabsi bay dalka kuwa nool gelin jireen, oo ceebtooday kuwa yamayska ku dhaadhaca la qaateen: oo isaga waxaa la dhigay kuwa la laayay dhexdooda.

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