Exodus 27:18 ~ ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 27:18


T he open space will be as long as fifty long steps, as wide as twenty-five long steps, and as high as a man raises his hand. It will have curtains of fine linen and the bases will be brass.

وَهَكَذا يَكُونَ طُولُ السّاحَةِ مِئَةَ ذِراعٍ، وَعَرضُها خَمسينَ ذِراعاً. وَتَكُونُ لَها سَتائِرُ مِنْ كِتّانٍ مَبْرُومٍ ارْتِفاعُها خَمْسُ أذْرُعٍ، وَقَواعِدُها مِنْ بُرونْزٍ.

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