L et the king choose men to watch over all the parts of his nation, that they may gather every beautiful young woman who has never had a man to the city of Susa. Have them brought to the house for the king’s wives, under the care of Hegai, the king’s servant, who takes care of the women. And let their things for making them beautiful be given to them.
وَلِيُعَيِّنِّ المَلِكُ وُكَلاءَ فِي كُلِّ بِلادِ مَملَكَتِهِ، لِكَي يَجمَعُوا العَذارَى الجَمِيلاتِ فِي جَناحِ الحَرِيمِ فِي قَصرِ العاصِمَةِ شُوشَنَ تَحْتَ رِعايَةِ هَيْجايَ خادِمِ المَلِكِ المَسْؤولِ عَنْ شُؤُونِ نِسائِهِ. وَلْتُوفَّرْ لَهُنَّ مَوادُّ التَّجمِيلِ الّلازِمَةُ.
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