T he time for each young lady came to go in to King Ahasuerus after the end of her twelve months of being under the rules for the women. The days of making themselves beautiful were finished after using oil from spices for six months, and perfumes and oils for making themselves beautiful for another six months.
Haddaba markii gabadh walba wakhtigeedii la gaadhay inay u gasho Boqor Ahashwerus, oo iyada loogu sameeyo sida waafaqsan waxa sharcigu dumarka farayo laba iyo toban bilood dabadeed, (waayo, saasaa isdaahirintoodu ku dhammaan jirtay, inay intii lix bilood ah ismariyaan saliidda malmalka, intii lix bilood ahna ismariyaan uunsi udgoon iyo waxyaalaha dumarka lagu daahiriyo)
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