T hey tore down the altars of the false gods of Baal in front of him. And he cut down the special perfume altars which stood above them. He broke in pieces the objects of the false goddess Asherah and all the objects made to look like gods. Then he ground them to dust and spread it on the graves of those who had given gifts in worship to them.
Para tij u shembën altaret e Baalit; përveç tyre shembi altaret e temjanit që ishin mbi ta, bëri copë-copë Asherimët, shëmbëlltyrat e gdhendura dhe shëmbëlltyrat prej metali të shkrirë dhe i bëri pluhur, të cilin e shpërndau mbi varret e atyre që u kishin ofruar flijime.
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