2 Chronicles 23:13 ~ 2 Cronache 23:13


S he looked and saw the king beside his pillar at the gate. The captains and those who blew the horns were beside the king. And all the people of the land were filled with joy and blew horns. The singers were playing music and leading the praise. Athaliah tore her clothes and called out, “They are turning against the queen!”

Guardò e vide il re in piedi sul suo palco, all’ingresso; i capitani e i trombettieri erano accanto al re. Tutto il popolo del paese era in festa al suono delle trombe, e i cantori, con i loro strumenti musicali, dirigevano i canti di lode. Allora Atalia si stracciò le vesti e gridò: «Congiura! Congiura!»

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