1 Chronicles 7:40 ~ ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻷ 7:40


A ll these were the sons of Asher and heads of the fathers’ houses. They were chosen men and powerful soldiers, leaders of the king’s sons. There were 26, 000 of them, whose names were written down by their families for fighting in war.

كُلُّ هؤلاءِ الأشيريِّين كانُوا قادةً لعائِلاتِهِم ومُحارِبينَ بارزينَ شُجْعاناً. كانوا قادةَ القَبِيلَة المُسجَّلينَ في الجيشِ وَالمُهَيَّأينَ للقتالِ في الحَرْبِ، وَكانَ مَجْمُوعُهُمْ سِتَّةً وَعِشْرِينَ ألفاً.

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