“ Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.
«لَقَد تَمَّ تَعْيّينُ سَبعِينَ أُسبُوعاً لِشَعبِكَ وَلِمَدِينَتِكَ المُقَدَّسَةِ لإنهاءِ الإثمِ وَالخَطِيَّةِ، وَللِتَّكفِيرِ عَنِ الذُّنُوبِ، وَلإحضارِ البِرِّ السَّرمَدِيِّ وَلِخَتْمِ الرُّؤيا وَالنُبُوَّةِ، وَلِمَسحِ قُدسِ الأقداسِ.
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