Song of Solomon 5:1 ~ Cantarea Cantarilor 5:1


I have come to my garden, my sister, my spouse; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. (To His Friends) Eat, O friends! Drink, yes, drink deeply, O beloved ones! The Shulamite’s Troubled Evening The Shulamite

Eu intru în grădina mea, soro, mireaso, îmi culeg smirna cu mirezmele mele, îmi mănînc fagurul de miere cu mierea mea, îmi beau vinul cu laptele meu... -Mîncaţi, prieteni, beţi şi îmbătaţi-vă de dragoste! -

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