A , i nga wa e kawea mai ai e nga Riwaiti te pouaka ki te whare takoha o te kingi, a ka kitea kua rahi te moni, ka haere mai te kaituhituhi a te kingi raua ko te tangata a te tino tohunga, ka ringihia e raua nga mea i roto i te pouaka, na ka tang o raua, ka whakahoki ano ki tona wahi. Pena tonu ratou i ia ra, i ia ra, a nui atu te moni i kohikohia.
The Levites would bring the box in to the king’s helper. And when they saw that there was much money, the king’s writer and the head religious leader’s helper would come and empty the box. They would take out the money and return the box to its place. They did this each day, and gathered much money.
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