N a kua whakapaua nei e ahau oku uaua ki te mahi mea mai mo te whare o toku Atua, te koura mo nga mea koura, te hiriwa mo nga mea hiriwa, te parahi mo nga mea parahi, te rino mo nga mea rino, te rakau mo nga mea rakau, nga kohatu onika, nga kohatu e whakanohoia ana, nga kohatu kanapa, me nga mea kakano whakauru, nga kohatu utu nui katoa, me nga kohatu mapere, tona tini.
I have given all that I have been able to give for the house of my God. I have given the gold for the things of gold, the silver for the things of silver, and the brass for the things of brass. I have given the iron for the things of iron, and the wood for the things of wood. I have given stones of much worth, stones for setting, silver-white stones, and stones of different colors. I have given all kinds of stones of much worth, and many smooth, special white stones.
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