I l tredicesimo giorno del primo mese furono chiamati i segretari del re e fu redatto un decreto, in base a tutto ciò che Haman aveva ordinato, da inviare ai satrapi del re, ai governatori di ogni provincia e ai capi di ogni popolo, a ogni provincia secondo la sua scrittura, e a ogni popolo nella sua lingua. Il decreto fu redatto in nome del re Assuero e sigillato con il sigillo del re
Then the king’s writers were called on the thirteenth day of the first month. And all that Haman had said was written to the king’s rulers who were over each part of the land, and to the princes of each people. It was written to each part in its own writing, and in the language of each people. It was written in the name of King Ahasuerus and marked with the king’s special ring.
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