I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered.
رَأيتُ الرَّبَّ واقِفاً بِجانِبِ المَذبَحِ، فَقالَ: «اضرِبْ رَأسَ الأعمِدَةِ كَي تَهتَزَّ حَتَّى الأعتابُ. حَطِّمْها عَلَى رُؤُوسِ كُلِّ الشَّعبِ، وَأمّا بَقِيَّتُهُمْ فَسَأقتُلُهُمْ بِالسَّيفِ. لَنْ يُفلِتَ مِنهُمْ أحَدٌ، لَنْ يَهرُبَ مِنهُمْ أحَدٌ.
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