Ezra 10:6 ~ ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 10:6


T hen Ezra rose up from before the house of God, and went into the chamber of Johanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away.

ثُمَّ مَضَى عَزْرا مِنْ أمامِ بَيتِ اللهِ وَدَخَلَ غُرفَةَ يَهُوحانانَ بْنِ ألِياشِيبَ، وَباتَ هُناكَ. وَلَمْ يَذُق طَعاماً وَلا شَراباً لأنَّهُ كانَ ما يَزالُ يَنُوحُ بِسَبَبِ تَمَرُّدِ الَّذِينَ رَجِعُوا مِنَ السَّبيِ.

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