2 Kings 18:21 ~ ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 18:21


N ow, behold, thou dost trust upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it; so is Pharaoh, king of Egypt unto all that trust in him.

أنْتَ مُتَّكِئٌ عَلَى عُكّازٍ مِنْ قَصَبَةٍ مَكْسُورَةٍ. فَهذِهِ هِيَ مِصْرُ الَّتِي إنِ اتَّكَأ أحَدٌ عَلَيها اختَرَقَتْ يَدَهُ. هَكَذا هُوَ مَلِكُ مِصْرَ لِكُلِّ الَّذِينَ يَتَّكِلُونَ عَلَيهِ.

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