و َاقتَرَبَ الفِلِسْطِيُّونَ أكثَرَ فَأكثَرَ لِمُقاتَلَةِ بَنِي إسْرائِيلَ أثناءَ تَقدِيمِ صَمُوئِيلَ لِلذَّبِيحَةِ. حِينَئِذٍ، أرسَلَ اللهُ قَصْفَ رَعدٍ عالِياً عَلَى الفِلِسْطِيِّينَ. فَذُعِرُوا وَارتَبَكُوا. فَهَزَمَهُمْ بَنُو إسْرائِيلَ فِي المَعرَكَةِ.
As Samuel was burning the gift to the Lord, the Philistines came near to battle against Israel. But the Lord made a loud thunder that day against the Philistines, making them afraid. So they lost the battle with Israel.
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