ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 4:8 ~ 1 Samuel 4:8


إ نَّنا أمامَ مُشكِلَةٍ عَظِيمَةٍ. فَمَنْ يَستَطِيعُ أنْ يُنقِذَنا مِنْ هَذِهِ الآلِهَةِ القَوِيَّة؟ فَهَذِهِ هِيَ الآلِهَةُ نَفْسُها الَّتِي أوقَعَتْ بِالمِصرِيِّينَ أمراضاً وَأوبِئَةً وَكَوارثَ.

Trouble has come to us! Who will save us from the hand of these powerful gods? These are the gods who destroyed the Egyptians with all kinds of troubles in the desert.

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