ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 28:8 ~ 1 Samuel 28:8


و َفِي تِلكَ اللَّيلَةِ تَنَكَّرَ شاوُلُ وَلَبِسَ مَلابِسَ أُخْرَى لِئَلّا يَعْرِفَهُ أحَدٌ. وَذَهَبَ شاوُلُ يَرافِقُهُ اثنانِ مِنْ رِجالِهِ لِرُؤيَةِ المَرأةِ. فَقالَ شاوُلُ لَها: «أُريدُكِ أنْ تُصْعِدِي لِي مَنْ يُخْبِرُنِي بِما سَيَحدُثُ مُسْتَقبَلاً. أصْعدِي الشَّخْصَ الَّذِي أُعْطِيكِ اسْمَهُ.»

And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.

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