ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 6:11 ~ Judges 6:11


و َجاءَ مَلاكُ اللهِ ، وَجَلَسَ تَحْتَ البَلُّوطَةِ فِي عَفْرَةَ، الَّتِي كانَتْ مُلْكاً لِيُوآشَ الأبِيعَزَرِيِّ. وَكانَ ابْنُهُ جِدْعُونُ يَدْرُسُ القَمْحَ فِي مِعْصَرَةِ العِنَبِ لِكَي يُخْفيهِ عَنِ المِدْيانِيِّينَ.

Then the angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak tree in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite. The angel came as Joash’s son Gideon was beating out grain where grapes are crushed, to save it from the Midianites.

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