ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 2:15 ~ Judges 2:15


و َكُلَّما خَرَجُوا لِلقِتالِ، كانَ اللهُ يَجلِبُ المَصائِبَ عَلَيهِمْ، تَماماً كَما سَبَقَ أنْ حَذَّرَهُمْ بِقَسَمٍ، فَتَضايَقُوا جِدّاً.

in every where they have gone out, the hand of Jehovah hath been against them for evil, as Jehovah hath spoken, and as Jehovah hath sworn to them, and they are distressed -- greatly.

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