ف َشَقَّ اللهُ المُنْخَفَضَ الّذي فِي لَحْيٍ، فَخَرَجَ ماءٌ مِنَ الأرْضِ. فَشَرِبَ شَمْشُونُ، وَعادَتْ إلَيهِ قُوَّتُهُ وَانتَعَشَ. فَسُمِّيَ النَّبْعُ عَينَ هَقُّورِي. وَهِيَ فِي لَحْيٍ إلَى يَومِنا هَذا.
And God cleaveth the hollow place which in Lehi, and waters come out of it, and he drinketh, and his spirit cometh back, and he reviveth; therefore hath called its name `The fountain of him who is calling,' which in Lehi unto this day.
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