ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺭﺅﻳﺎ 6:5 ~ Revelation 6:5


ث ُمَّ فَتَحَ الحَمَلُ الخَتْمَ الثّالِثَ، فَسَمِعتُ المَخلُوقَ الثّالِثَ يَقُولُ: «تَعالَ!» فَنَظَرتُ وَإذا جَوادٌ أسوَدُ أمامِي، وَالرّاكِبُ عَلَيهِ يَحمِلُ مِيزاناً بِيَدِهِ.

When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

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