ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 20:5 ~ Joshua 20:5


ف َإنْ طارَدَهُ قَرِيبُ القَتيلِ الَّذِي يُريدُ أنْ يَثأرَ مِنَ القاتِلِ، يَمْتَنِعُ الشُّيُوخُ عَنْ تَسليمِ القاتِلِ لِأنَّهُ قَتَلَ عَنْ غَيرِ قَصْدٍ، وَلَيْسَ بَيْنَهُما عَداوةٌ سابِقةٌ.

If the one who wants to punish him comes after him, they will not give him the one who killed the person, because he killed his neighbor without planning to, and did not hate him in the past.

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