ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺮﺍﻧﻴﻴﻦ 11:34 ~ Hebrews 11:34


أ طفَأُوا قُوَّةَ النّارِ، وَنَجُوا مِنَ المَوتِ بِالسَّيفِ. اكتَسَبُوا قُوَّةً وَهُمْ ضُعَفاءُ. صارُوا أشِدّاءَ فِي المَعارِكِ، وَهَزَمُوا جُيُوشاً غَرِيبَةً.

Extinguished the power of raging fire, escaped the devourings of the sword, out of frailty and weakness won strength and became stalwart, even mighty and resistless in battle, routing alien hosts.

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