ل َها مَظهَرُ الحِكْمَةِ كَالتَّدَيُّنِ وَإذلالِ النَّفسِ وَتَعذِيْبِ الجَسَدِ. لَكِنَّ هَذِهِ الأشياءَ لا قيمةَ لَها فِي مُواجَهَةِ مَلَذّاتِ الطَّبيعَةِ الجَسَدِيَّةِ.
Such have indeed the outward appearance for wisdom, in promoting self-imposed rigor of devotion and delight in self-humiliation and severity of discipline of the body, but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of the flesh (the lower nature).
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