ﻓﻴﻠﻴﺒﻲ 3:19 ~ Philippians 3:19


و َمَصِيرُ هَؤُلاءِ هُوَ الهَلاكُ. فَشَهَواتُهُمْ هِيَ إلَهُهُمْ، وَهُمْ يَفتَخِرُونَ بِما يَنبَغي أنْ يَخجَلُوا مِنهُ، وَلا يُفَكِّرُونَ إلّا فِي الأرْضِيّاتِ.

They are doomed and their fate is eternal misery (perdition); their god is their stomach (their appetites, their sensuality) and they glory in their shame, siding with earthly things and being of their party.

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