ب ِجُوعٍ يُضْعِفُ أجْسامَهُمْ، وَمَرَضٍ يُنْهِكُهُمْ بِحُمَّى شَديدَةٍ، وَأُرسِلُ أنْيابَ الحَيواناتِ المُفْتَرِسَةِ، وَسُمُومَ الحَيَواناتِ الزَّاحِفَةِ فِي التُّرابِ.
They shall be wasted with hunger and devoured with burning heat and poisonous pestilence; and the teeth of beasts will I send against them, with the poison of crawling things of the dust.
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