ق َدْ يَرَى أحَدُكُمْ أنَّهُ لا يَتَّخِذُ القَرارَ المُناسِبَ تُجاهَ خَطيبَتِهِ، وَهيَ قَدْ تَجاوَزَتِ السِّنَّ المُناسِبَ للزَّواجِ. فَلْيَتَزَوَجا، فَذَلِكَ ليسَ خَطِيَّةً.
¶ But if anyone thinks it uncomely regarding his daughter, if she passes the bloom of life, and need so requires, let him do what he will, he does not sin: let them marry.
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