ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 10:27 ~ 1 Corinthians 10:27


و َإذا دَعاكَ شَخصٌ غَيرُ مُؤمِنٍ إلَى طَعامٍ، وَقَبِلْتَ الدَّعوَةَ، فَكُلْ أيَّ شَيءٍ يُوضَعُ أمامَكَ. وَلا تَطرَحْ أسئِلَةً عَنِ اللَّحمِ تَتَعَلَّقُ بِالضَّميرِ.

If a person who is not a Christian wants you to eat with him, and you want to go, eat anything that is on the table. Ask no questions about the food. Then your heart will not say it is wrong.

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