ﺍﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻞ 16:18 ~ Acts 16:18


و َفَعَلَتْ هَذا أيّاماً كَثِيرَةً. لَكِنَّ بُولُسَ انزَعَجَ كَثِيراً، فَالتَفَتَ وَقالَ لِلرُّوحِ: «أنا آمُرُكَ بِاسْمِ يَسُوعَ المَسِيحِ أنْ تَخرُجَ مِنها،» فَخَرَجَ مِنها فَوراً.

She did this many days. Paul was troubled. Then he turned and said to the demon in her, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak to you. Come out of her!” At once it left her. Paul and Silas in Jail

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