ق الَ: «كُنتُ فِي بَلْدَةِ يافا أُصَلِّي، فَوَقَعَ عَلَيَّ سُباتٌ وَرَأيتُ رُؤيا. رَأيتُ شَيئاً يَشبِهُ قِطعَةَ قُماشٍ كَبِيرَةً مُعَلَّقَةً مِنْ أطرافِها الأربَعَةِ وَمُدَلّاةً مِنَ السَّماءِ، وَنَزَلَتْ عَلَيَّ.
I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a rapture of understanding I saw a vision: A certain vessel descended like a great sheet let down from heaven by the four corners, and it came unto me,
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