ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 18:28 ~ John 18:28


و َفِي الصَّباحِ الباكِرِ ساقُوا يَسُوعَ مِنْ بَيتِ قَيافا إلَى قَصْرِ الوالِي. لَكِنَّ اليَهُودَ لَمْ يَشاءُوا أنْ يَدخُلُوا دارَ الوالِي، لِأنَّهُمْ إنْ دَخَلُوا سَيَتَنَجَّسُونَ وَلَنْ يَستَطِيْعُوا أنْ يَأْكُلُوا طَعامَ الفِصْحِ.

Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: and it was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the passover.

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