ي َذبَحُونَ وَيأْكُلونَ لَحْمَ الحَيواناتِ الَّتِي يَنبَغِي تَقدِيمُها لِي. اللهُ لَيسَ مَسرُوراً بِهِمْ. إنَّهُ يَتَذَكَّرُ إثمَهُمْ. وَهَذا هُوَ عِقابُهُمْ: سَيَرجِعُونَ إلَى مِصرَ،
For the sacrifices of My offerings they sacrifice flesh and eat it, But the Lord does not accept them. Now He will remember their iniquity and punish their sins. They shall return to Egypt.
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