ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:9 ~ Daniel 4:9


« يا بَلْطْشاصَّرُ، يا رَئِيسَ المُنَّجِمِينَ، أعرِفُ أنَّ رُوحَ الآلِهَةِ القِدِّيسِينَ فِيكَ، وَلا يُوجَدُ سِرٌّ يَصعُبُ عَلَيكَ مَعرِفَتُهُ، فَفَسِّرْ لِيَ الحُلمَ الَّذِي رَأيتُهُ.

“Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, because I know that the Spirit of the Holy God is in you, and no secret troubles you, explain to me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and its interpretation.

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