ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 11:25 ~ Daniel 11:25


« ثُمَّ سَيُثِيرُ كُلَّ رَغبَتِهِ وَكُلَّ قُوَّتِهِ وَجَيْشِهِ عَلَى مَلِكِ الجَنُوبِ. وَلِذا سَيَجمَعُ مَلِكُ الجَنُوبِ جَيشاً عَظِيماً وَقَوِيّاً جِدّاً، وَلَكِنَّهُ سَيُخدَعُ وَيَخسَرُ.

He will gather all his strength against the king of the South with a large army. So the king of the South will gather together a very large and powerful army for war, but he will not win the battle. Secret plans will be made against him.

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