ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 40:48 ~ Ezekiel 40:48


ث ُمَّ أخَذَنِي إلَى دِهلِيزِ الهَيكَلِ. فَقاسَ الجُدرانَ الجانِبِيَّةَ لِلدِهلِيزِ، فَكانَ عرْضُها خَمسَ أذرُعٍ مِنْ كُلِّ جِهَةٍ. وَكانَ عَرضُ البَوّابَةِ ثَلاثَ أذرُعٍ مِنْ كِلَتا الجِّهَتَينِ.

Then he brought me to the porch of the Lord’s house. He showed me that each side pillar of the porch was five cubits wide. And each side of the gate was three cubits wide.

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