ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 32:23 ~ Ezekiel 32:23


ج ُعِلَتْ قُبُورُهُمْ فِي أعماقِ حُفرَةِ المَوْتِ. قُبُورُ رِفاقِها حَولَ قَبرِها. كُلُّهُمْ قَتلَى سَقَطُوا بِالسَّيفِ، وَكانُوا سابِقاً يَنشُرُونَ الرُّعبَ فِي أرْضِ الأحياءِ.

Whose graves are appointed in the sides of the pit, And her assembly is round about her grave, All of them wounded, falling by sword, Because they gave terror in the land of the living.

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