ا لحَدّادُ يَقطَعُ قِطعَةَ حَدِيدٍ. يُحَمِّيها عَلَى الفَحمِ، وَيُشَكِّلُها بِالمِطرَقَةِ، وَيَشتَغِلُ بِها بِذِراعَيهِ القَوِيَّتَينِ. ثُمَّ يَجُوعُ وَيَفقِدُ قُوَّتَهُ، لا يَشرَبُ ماءً فَيَتعَبَ.
The one who works with iron makes a sharp tool for cutting, working over a fire. He makes it by beating it with his strong arm. He becomes hungry and has no strength. He drinks no water and becomes tired.
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