ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 37:9 ~ Exodus 37:9


ف َكانَ الكَرُوبانِ باسِطَيْنِ أجنِحَتَهُما إلَى الأعلَى يُظَلِّلانِ الغِطاءَ. كانَ الكَرُوبانِ مُتَقابِلَينِ، وَوَجْهاهُما نَحوَ الغِطاءِ. المائِدَة

and the cherubs are spreading out wings on high, covering over the mercy-seat with their wings, and their faces one towards another; towards the mercy-seat have the faces of the cherubs been.

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