ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 8:31 ~ Ezra 8:31


و َغادَرنا نَهرَ أهْوا فِي الثّانِي عَشَرَ مِنَ الشَّهرِ الأوَّلِ للِذَّهابِ إلَى مَدينَةِ القُدْسِ. وَكانَ إلَهُنا مَعَنا، فَحَمانا طَوالَ الرِّحلَةِ مِنْ قُوَّةِ أعدائِنا وَكَمائِنِ قُطّاعِ الطُّرُقِ.

¶ And we departed from the river of Ahava on the twelfth of the first month to go to Jerusalem; and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy and of such as lay in wait by the way.

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